Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Blog Has A New Home

Our blog has a new home. Same great content just a new address ( You'll be redirected to it so please update your bookmarks and while you are at it check out the new web site.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Poetry For The Weary

As you can imagine, Isabel gets a lot of fan mail. Her assistant sifts through everything here at the office, sorting the mail into three piles that Isabel can go through at her convenience. In general, mail falls into three categories: the stunning, the ordinary, and the scary or obscene. More often than not, fan mail falls into the “stunning” category. For example, Isabel recently received a letter that we just have to share with blog readers. It came in the form of verse from a Brazilian fan named Lázaro Piunti. Here it is, first in Portuguese, then in English:


Quando o cansaço espiritual se revelar acentuado, ante as armadilhas perpetradas pelos iníquos e pelos que não amam,
Recorde-se de Isabel Allende!

Quando os desafios se mostrarem imbatíveis, alimentados pelo egoísmo dos ambiciosos,
Busque vigor e esperança no exemplo de
Isabel Allende!

Nas ocasiões em que o desânimo - nutrido pelos dominadores que não se contentam com pouco - ameaçar sua liberdade,
Refugie-se na coerência e na coragem de
Isabel Allende!

Eis aí uma alma latina, cidadã do mundo, sinal de vida nova, lampejo incandescente, que se revigora a cada passo e momento, devolvendo a Fé no gênero humano.

Sua vida é um poema, suas mensagens crônicas eternais, sua caminhada bálsamo e luz!

Isabel Allende – bênção das galáxias par um mundo contraditório e hostil!

 Lázaro Piunti
(poeta – escritor – cronista)


When spiritual weariness reveals its sharp accents,
set against the traps and snares of the wicked
and those who do not love,
Remember Isabel Allende!

When men of bravado prove unbeatable,
nurtured by their egoism and ambition,
look for energy and hope in the example of
Isabel Allende!

At times when one loses hope and discouragement is nurtured by dictators
not content with but a little, and threaten our liberty,
Take refuge in the coherency and courage of the example of
Isabel Allende

Here is a Latin Soul, a citizen of the world, the single sign of a new life,
an incandescent flash that gives us back our strength at each step
and moment of the way
returning our faith in human kind,

Her life is a poem, her messages chronicles of eternity,
whose passage through our lives brings healing and light!
Isabel Allende — A blessing of the galaxies for a hostile and contradictory world!

(Translated by Thomas Hunter)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Isabel's New Website Goes Live

This week, in addition to being named one of the ten most powerful women authors by Forbes, Isabel has a new website.

Here it is! After ten months of fiddling, the new and improved Isabel Allende website is up this week. Check it out and let us know what you think.

My favorite part of the new site? The different international covers for each book. You might notice that European covers tend to show more skin