Saturday, October 16, 2010

And Another Award

OK, that whole shindig is on the 21st, and on the 22nd Isabel flies to Washington D.C.!  Willie meets up with her there.  Wonderful husband that he is, he crosses the continent to be with her for just two days.  This is why I have a little thing for Willie—well, one part of why... Isabel is here for the 10th Anniversary of the National Book Festival.  Some 130,000 people are expected on Saturday.

On September 23rd Isabel receives the Creative Achievement Award from the Library of Congress. Lunch is in the stuffy Cosmo Club where, until recently only men were allowed.  It is a lovely gala with music and a great buffet, very elegant.    Isabel meets up with some interesting people like Ken Follet and his wife Barbara, who was Minister of Culture in England, and Dennis Kucinich, whom Isabel said looks younger and shorter in real life. 

Have I mentioned Isabel’s height yet? She is very short, so short I think at times I could take her in a fight...but then I rethink it and move on with life. Isabel mentioned that she thinks that Mr. Kucinich is possibly the only person in the world she could dance cheek to cheek with, and that is saying something.

1 comment:

  1. Querida Sarah!! estuve pepasando todo tus escritos , y repare en esta,, te dire que yo tengo 1.50 de pierna... siii!!!! 75cm en cada una .. jajaja!! soy bajita tambiem .. curioso pero hasta que mis hijos estaban ya grande siempre dije que media 1.57... y que te parece un dia me subi auna de esas maquina que te dicen peso,altura y que ademas la escuchan todos los que pasean por el moll,!! y ahi recien supe que media 1.50... que tal!! jaja un abrazo.. muchos cariños a Isabel!!
