Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pornshops and Marijuana

Isabel sent this email from Amsterdam and as I read it I wonder why didn't she just go buy some quality porn, and a few special cigarettes and unplug the phone for the afternoon? Here is what she writes:

"We are in a strange, decadent, old fashioned hotel that has seen better days, on a
main plaza in Amsterdam, next to pornshops, marijuana coffee shops and
second-rate Argentinian restaurants.  We want to go home!  I have been
really busy–what's new–and I am beginning to feel just too exposed.
Journalists are calling me about the miners.  I am sure they think that the
Isabel Allende on the site is me.  My poor cousin doesn't get any credit."

The email came last week and she is home already, I saw her today and will have some interesting stories about her trip over the next few days. She sure travels a lot! She was gone for most of September. Let's see: she was in Spain, Amsterdam, and Sydney, Australia....well, almost Australia. To the airlines credit, Sydney and San Francisco BOTH start with S. It could happen to anyone! More on the airline mixup tomorrow, as well as on the trip and the journey home.

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